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I've just come away from visiting this shop and it was a better experience than I could have dreamt for! The other dresses in the shop were beautiful but she'd put a picture of one online and so I came from London to try it on - even keeping it in the shop for me when the supplier had asked for it back so I could try it on! Sue was refreshingly honest with what could or couldn't be done as I requested a few alterations, and didn't make me feel like I was ever asking for too much. One of my bridesmaids is also getting hitched in a few years and when she saw a dress she loved Sue looked at it and plucked out another for her to try on. She was spot on, it was gorgeous on and a much better fit than the original dress my bridesmaid had pointed out! Sue's years of experience are really invaluable to any bride getting ready for her day & she really goes above and beyond to make sure you look your absoloute best and feel amazing for your big day. After 6 months of wedding planning I am so grateful she gave me a real 'bride feeling' - the first time it felt really real! I came away elated and would recommend Wedding Gowns by Susan to anyone.

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